CV - english

1986 born in Lyon, France
2004-2009 studied at the National School of Architecture of Lyon, France - Architecte Diplômé d'État
2009-2010 worked at Atelier Daniel Ruggiero in Montreux, Switzerland
2009-2010 studied at the National School of Architecture of Paris La Villette, France - Architect HMONP
2010-2012 worked at Tribu Architecture in Lausanne, Switzerland


born the 08.09.1986
french nationality

59 bis avenue des Alpes
1820 Montreux

+33 (0)6 81 33 85 32

+33 (0)6 81 33 85 32

september 2010
Habilitation à exercer la Maîtrise d’Oeuvre en son Nom Propre
National School of Architecture of Paris La Villette
«In which ways  is the job of an architect particular in Switzerland?»

june 2009
Diplôme d’Architecte d’Etat
National School of Architecture of Lyon
Department Stratégies et Pratiques Avancées
«How to integrate urban spaces into public equipments»

Scientific Baccalauréat

february 2010 - on-going
Tribu architecture - Lausanne (CH)
architecte collaborator

International Urban Competition for the econeighborhood Plaines-du-Loup - 1st prize
design, graphism, model

Urban planning for the econeighborhood of Plaines-du-Loup
development, follow-up and communication of a master plan
participative process for the future inhabitants of the econeighborhood
presentation of the project during 2 public exhibitions

Test study for the urban plan - center of the village of Begnins

Free reflection
study on the density of urban projects in the city of Lausanne 

Teaching / pedagogy
courses on built environment awareness in schools
visits of the city

Architecture competition for 2 housing and offices buildings - 4th prize
implantation's study, design, graphism

Architecture competition for housing units, activities and shops in a village - on-going
implantation study, design, graphism

Architecture competition for protected housings and a daycare - on-going
project manager, design

Architecture competition for 40 housing units - on-going
project manager, design

project manager for an individual house

Construction project
construction drawings at 1/50, detail studies at 1/20 (woodwork, metalwork, concrete, etc.)
support on construction site's monitoring

august 2009 - january 2010
Atelier Daniel Ruggiero - Montreux (CH)
architecte collaborator

Architecture competition for a library
design and 3D

3 housing buildings
building permits, construction drawings, assistance and construction

april 2009
National Workshop architectonik - Marseille

november 2008
Urban project Workshop - Madrid

july 2008 - august 2008
Office Y-architectes - Lyon
internship: design - building permits - construction monitoring

july 2007
Office De la riestra - Lyon
internship: situation inventory - design - surveys

july 2006
Atelier ARCHE - Lyon
internship: discovering building sites - design assistance

november 2011
econeighborhood: place for the integration of urban policies?
in Lyon by Certu

september - december 2011
lecture cycle  : Las Vegas Studio
in EPFL by Archizoom

june 2011
(Re)build the city otherwise ?
in Neuchâtel by Ecoparc

french - mother tongue
spanish - mastered
english - high-school level - courses, on-going improvement 

Berlin - Munich - Hambourg - Budapest - Barcelone - Madrid - Rome - Florence
Amsterdam  - Rotterdam -  Bâle - Zurich -  Copenhague - Dublin - Paris

Visiting cities - Modern and contemporean dance - Graphism - Theatre - Literature

2D : Archicad - Vectorworks – Autocad
3D : Cinema 4D - Sketchup - Artlantis studio - Vectorworks
Infography : Photoshop cs4 - Illustrator cs4 - Indesign cs4 - Corel designer