Graduation Project

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Title: To integrate the movement
Project Name: Graduation Project
Date: June 2009
Location: Lyon, France
Programme: Socio-cultural Center

This project is located in Lyon, at the confluence between two rivers : the Rhône and the Saone, within the actuel urban project called « Lyon confluence ».
This graduation project is an answer to a problematic concerning movement. The contemporary city is characterized by perpetual movement. It is this dynamic of the city, of public space, which interests me. The objective is to question the means of integrating and supplying urban movement in a building.
In the city, program and various public spaces are juxtaposed on a plan, in order to test their relationship to oneanother in sections, to reinterpret the different layers of the city. It is a phenomenological study on the flux spaces.
The building is a socio-cultural center shaped by several voids, which offer different spatial experiences.
The building has a neutral rectangular shape, thus it is not oriented more on one district that on another. It is perceived in the same way from any place because it is a building meant for the three districts. This simple shape contrasts with the more sculpted shape of the cores of circulation, as if they were dug in the volume.
The materiality of the building with is glass-fronted silkscreen façades is an interpretation of the materiality of the neighboring wholesale market.
The overall structure aims at two objectives. The first is to avoid a line of columns, which would constrain the interstitial public spaces. The second is to reinforce the idea of spaces of movement as the heart of the project. This is why spaces of circulations constitute the structural cores of the building.     



Movement in the city

Movement's space

Urban shape


Vertical public spaces

Vertical public spaces

1 void = 1 spatial experience

Global view

View from a core

View of a public space in the building
Transversal section