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Title: Choice of materials, the architect’s approach
Project name: Memory graduation
Date: May 2009
Type: studies project
Full report: See (french)


Choice of materials, the architect’s approach.
In 2002, Toyo Ito spoke about a « new materiality born with the worry of contemporary architecture for the surface. » In fact, today it seems that this hypertrophy of touch, sensation and image, has transformed materials into a fashion phenomenon. The number of materials is continually increasing. Finding their way through this maze is one of the architects’ greatest concerns. The topic of research concerned the choice of the material in the work process of architects. Knowing that materiality rather refers to the language of materials than their structural dimension. If we want to express the identity of materials, we must, like Herzog et De Meuron said in an interview in 1993, «  push it to its extreme limit, in order to show it stripped, deprived of any function other than that of "being"”.
Many books list materials, their principles of implement. However, there is little on how the choice can be integrated in  the architects’ process of conception.
The objective of this study was to highlight the successive stages in the work of architects in their choice of materials. I attempted to grasp the intellectual position of architects, their way of proceeding.
This study project presents firstly an overview of the state of the art of contemporary materiality, and secondly, the study of a corpus of building.
How to choose, integrate and implement materiality in an architectural project? The case of architects Hérault & Arnod.